Monday, September 1, 2008


My family has been listening to a popular Christian song, "Healer." Moreover, it has been meaningful to me as I think of a sister-in-Christ who is about to undergo cancer surgery. The song was written by an Australian man who mislead a great many sincere Jesus-people by claiming he was suffering with cancer. The song supposedly expressed his faith in Jesus-the-healer.

If there is no cancer, is Jesus still his healer? Well, yes, for this man confessed that his disease was really pornography. He said he could not get it out of his head. The viewer is certainly not simply a victim of pornography, but its impact is pernicious in one's imagination and more than one foresees. It is too easy to interpret pornography as a spiritual cancer -- thus reducing the real physical suffering of our loved ones -- but it is a malady that Christ heals by forgiveness, cleansing and inward transformation.

When I heard the news today of this man's deceit I wondered whether I could still listen to the song. My son said it is still a good song, but I am afraid it will always signify insincere devotion -- even though Christ must be my healer, my rophay, so I should be able to sing the song as if it reflects my own faith.

I need Christ the rophay. Perhaps the song will now always recall to me the extent to which I am spiritually lost, a prisoner of my will, locked away in my own darkness of spirit. "I believe you're my healer..."

Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit
I ask that you enlighten me
and dispel the darkness of my spirit.

Give me a faith that is without limit,
a hope that is unfailing,
and a love that is universal.

Grant, O my Lord,
that I may really know you
and that I might be guided in all things
according to your will.
[a slight revision of a Franciscan prayer]

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