Monday, August 4, 2008


In the Pauline tradition, the concept of reconciliation signifies the beginning of the re-shalomification of the cosmos by the cross. The term itself is a bit of a gag, yet it was designed to reflect an important idea: because of OT messianic texts, ancient messianic Judaism rightfully expected the messiah to return the world to the state of shalom in the beginning (see Isa 11:1-9, 65:25) -- "swords into plowshares," the lion-and-lamb image, etc.

My point then is that Paul, who is the only NT author to use the concept "reconciliation," saw that the Christ-event inaugurated the process of returning the cosmos to shalom. The evidence of this, in his mind, is the relationship in the Pauline communities between people of different social classes, ethnicities, and gender roles, as well as the renewed relationship between God (the offended party) and the human person. The Pauline Jesus communities demonstrated that the process of re-shaloming had begun. [5.2.08]

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